Web Export 5.2.1 - July release

Update 5.2.0 includes many new additions. Many bug fixes and some features around making pop ups work.

  • Added horizontal and vertical margin and padding option
  • Added name of artboard exported in panel
  • Fixed multiple pop up transition effects not working
  • Fixed pop ups not hidden during resize
  • Added support for anchor styles in pop ups
  • Added initial support for ScrollableGroup
  • Added test options
  • Setting element style declaration instead of style object in some cases for scaling and centering views
  • Fixed scaling not working in center view call
  • Added select hover effect element
  • Added option none to position dropdown
  • Fixed next and previous navigation buttons not showing label after click
  • Prevent saving export folder in plugin data
  • Fixed bug preventing export when scripts template not empty
  • Fixed masks pattern being exported despite not exporting masks currently
  • Added drop shadow to hover effect and use as background feature


  • Fixed centering not working when scaling was turned off
  • Always including page script since centered requires it
  • Fixed images of same name replacing other images with same name when exporting multiple separate pages

Added and updated numerous examples on the examples page.

Hello, this is great! First time user here, and just a thought: in the message window after export, it would be great to know the name of a rotated object/image when it returns a rotation error. It was helpful to know what objects returned the border error in order to go back and make adjustments! This same thought could be applied to the rotation error.

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