NO me deja instalar el plugin web export para adobe XD

Me sale un error al intentar instalar este complemento: código: errno:5
Trabajo con windows, a que es debido?
Otros plugins si me deja…


Hi Rocio,

I have not seen that error before. What version of XD are you using? Can you check to see if there is a update of XD?


  • What version of Windows are you on?
  • What version of XD are you using?
  • Can you get the AdobeXD.log file and the timestamp of when you saw the error message?
    • This is at \Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD_adky2gkssdxte\ LocalState\AdobeXD.log
  • Can you check if you have free disk space?