Horizontal scroll

Is it possible to export XD prototype and keep the horizontal scroll feature available in the last version of XD into my html export ?

Do you mean Scrollable Group or something else?

You can choose to use overflow to set the scrolling.


Scrollable Group may be supported in next version or two not sure.

Yes this is for Scrollable Group.
I try to apply your solution but when I export the artboard I have this message :

  1. Element type not found: Exporter for element “ScrollableGroup” named “Groupe défilant 1” is not found. Exporting as path

Through ma web navigator The Group of 3 squares that should be scrollable horizontally and displayed on the screen at
is displayed in the html export at 0;0 and the horizontal scrolling function for this Group doesn’t work after export.

There’s an update that will support ScrollableGroup. Probably a few weeks out.