Sticky navbar works only deleting ":root {--web-view-ids:}" property in css. Why?

Hi my sticky navbar works only deleting “:root {–web-view-ids:}” property in css.
But if I try to delete “:root {–web-view-ids:}” , my webpage is reduced to 50% width and aligned left.
If I keep “:root {–web-view-ids:}” property, width is full-width, but sticky navbar not working.

The CSS variable --web-view-ids is used to define all the views on the page and then center them and scale them up or down based on your export settings. If you remove that many things will not work correctly.

There is a guide and example project here on using a sticky navbar.

If you get stuck, you can send me your project in direct message and I can take a look.

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Thank you :slight_smile: